A Little Bit About Coby

Breed: Shih Tzu

Gender: Male

Favorite Toy: His bed

Favorite Treat: All kinds of treats

Best Trick: Belly rub

Favorite Pastime: Barking and whining

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Thank you

Thank you everyone for your heartwarming messages. In a way they are helping me cope up with Coby's death. I hope all our friends are doing good in doggy heaven and that someday we would be able to see them again.

- Coby's bestfriend


I am happy Coby had so much love in his short and challenging life.

- Amiga's dad

my heartache for you..he's just so beautiful..

I am so very very sorry for your loss...sweet dreams Coby rest easy sweet lilttle one...love ones may your happy memories ease your pain and always bring you much much comfort..

- ~gypsy~ mommy

Your Baby

I cried when I read about you little Coby. It was so sad it just about broke my heart. Today, two years ago, I had to have my little Lady Kassie (Yorkie) put down and it is still taking a toll on my life. I've loved her so much and that has not changed.

- Linda (God Bless) He'll be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge

Coby is in Heaven

Coby was a sweet angel. He loved you and he knew you loved him. unconditionally. He will forever be with you in your heart. God spelled backwards is dog. What an honor to have. He is all well, eating, and playing in heaven. My prayers are wtih you.

- Bailey Fritz Weems's Momma

So sad So young So sorry

Coby was a special boy,he was a beautiful furbaby.Rest easy sweet Coby and God bless you.His pawprints and love will be with you forever.His life was short but he was loved,and he loved you.Sweet dreams little boy.

- Laddie's mom