A Little Bit About Jack

Breed: Siberian Husky

Gender: Male

Favorite Toy: Dong

Favorite Treat: rawhides

Best Trick: talking

Favorite Game: ball

Favorite Pastime: Laying by the front door

Special Skill: talking

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They are not gone who live in the hearts they left behind.

He's just beautiful!!!. Sweet dreams Jack, have fun in heaven making new friends. RIP

- Toby's Mom.

such a beautiful baby..

I am so very sorry for your loss...sweet dreams Jack play in peace pretty boy...family may your happy memories help ease your heartache & bring you much comfort.

- ~Gypsy~ & Ringo's mommy

Dear Friend

Its amazing what these creatures are capable of teaching us. I hope he's in a better place; my condolences for your loss. Stay strong, it gets easier with time.

- TJ

What a beautiful husky

Jack was a very special boy,he had the prettiest face I ever seen on a husky.Rest easy beautiful furbaby and Gods bless you.His pawprints will be in your hearts forever.God needed a special husky for his new angel.Sweet dreams boy.

- Laddie's mom