A Little Bit About Jagger

Breed: Shih Tzu

Gender: Male

Favorite Toy: None. Too cool for them

Favorite Treat: Any meat

Favorite Pastime: Laying on anything new and odd

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Mr fluffy pants

Love n miss u n ur brother n sister now take care of her n show her the ropes 🌭🌭πŸ₯“πŸ₯“πŸ”πŸ”πŸŸπŸŸπŸ—πŸ—

- Loved daddy

365 Days

Mr Jagger, we’ve gone a whole year without you. As fast as that year went, it feels like forever. We miss you beyond words, we’ll continue look for you in the sunsets. Keep watch over us, boss. Love you forever and miss you always Love Aunt Wee

- Aunt Wee


1 year has passed. I miss you coming to me when I open the chip bag.I miss you being under the owl cabinet when I vacuum. I miss you always and love you. πŸ€—

- ❀️ Nanna

My sweet mud pie. Break the rules boy

Can’t believe it’s been a year today. My heart still hurts but I smile knowing you're with Odi. Plus all your other family too.I thank God he blessed me 15 amazing years with you. Until we meet again my love, miss you and love you always 😘

- Mommy

Missing you always

Whenever I miss you I look at my heart. Because it’s the only place I can find you.

- Love Poppa

Sorry for your loss

Such a sweet and beautiful furbaby. We never have are furbabies long enough.His memories and love will never leave your hearts.Rest east and God bless you. Sweet dreams Jagger

- Laddie and Scooby,s. Mom

My buddy Jag

Sunlight streams through the window, hits that spot on the floor, it’s where you use to lie. My heart aches not seeing you there no more. I will wrap my treasured memories in a blanket of love and keep them for my best friend until we meet above Luv you

- Popa loves you Jag

Mr. Jagger

Also known as Mr. Mud pie. You had so much fun and we laughed so hard as you enjoyed the country air. You would start walking the back field making us run to catch up to you. My grand baby dog, I know you are still having great fun. Miss & Love you.

- Love Nanna

Mr Jagger

Exactly like your brother Odi you fought so hard because you loved your family so fiercely. You were beyond unique and so very funny, It pains me to speak of you in past tense. Thank you for 15 beautiful years. Keep watch over us Love

- Aunt Wee xoxo