A Little Bit About Cosmo

Breed: Labrador Retriever

Gender: Male

Favorite Toy: Stuffed Duck

Favorite Treat: Bread

Best Trick: Speak

Favorite Game: Frisbee

Favorite Pastime: Going to the Creek or to Papis

Special Skill: Suck on stuffed animals

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Fellow lab lover.

I just wanted to say sorry for your loss. He sounds like a great dog. Please know that the best memories are in your heart and you will never forget those! I just lost my busterbrown (choc lab) and I know the pain you are felling. Take care.

- Lab Lover, Stephanie from PA

Still missing you!

Cossiebear I still miss you everyday. Laci was aksing about you the other night and wanting to give you a great big hug. LOVE YOU and MISS YOU!!!!

- Love, Honey

RIP Cosmo :(

I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved dog. I understand how you feel, I lost my dog Porkchop a month ago today and the pain is still so tough. Remember-All dogs go to heaven! He will be waiting.

- Holly- Porkchop's Mom

RIP Cosmo

I am so sorry for the pain and loss that you are feeling. I lost both of my standard poodlles, Maxi & Gordon, within one month of each other. It is so hard not to expect them to be there when I come home, but we will be together again.

- Maxi & Gordon's Mom - Kathy

To Cosmo

U are missed so much already! Not only by your family that was lucky enough to see u everyday, but by your extended family as well. U were such a good gentle boy with such sweet eyes. We are all fortunate to have known u and loved u. Miss u forever.

- Love - Lori, Kev, Collin & Drew

Cosmo! Cosmo! Cosmo!

O Cosmo. From the time I met you I thought you were the coolest dog! So beautiful and well behaved. I wished you were mine! When the girls came along you were so over protective u didnt even trust Bailey with them! I hope u know how much we all loved u

- -I'll miss you buddy, your sad eyes, and bright spirit. Tracy :-(

My Cossiebear

I miss you so much Cossiebear. I still think I hear you walking around the house looking for me. Everynight I pet your picture just wishing you were here with me. I love you so much and miss you every moment of the day.

- Love forever, Honey