A Little Bit About Molly Mcduffy

Breed: West Highland White Terrier

Gender: Female

Favorite Toy: Hackeysack ball,ball

Favorite Treat: milkbone with bone marrow

Best Trick: catching ball

Favorite Game: hand bite game

Favorite Pastime: playing and sleeping w/parents

Special Skill: poked you with her nose

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Merry Christmas sweet lil baby girl

We miss you sooo much and when we open presents I will shed a tear missing how silly you were opening presents ripping paper and wagging that tail!!!Merry Christmas sweet lil soul, You and Christal are running the show up there I'm sure.

- Your Mom

Miss my meeps

My sweet lil soul...you are so missed.I miss you so much.I miss that wagging tail that was so full of life.I do remember when Cribs got sick ur spark started to dwindle....we miss you..sweet lil mols.

- Love Mom

miss you

Molly when I think of you i just ache inside.I just feel so sad.Everything happened so fast.I just can't get over it.The only peace I feel is that you are with your buddy Christal and she's taking care of you.You are such a sweetheart.God Bless.

- mom

So Sorry

I know it so difficult to say good-bye to a pet you held so dear and loved so much. I hope you find comfort and peace in the memories you made together. Just remember you gave Molly a wonderful life here on earth.

- Maximus, Morgan and Keller's Foster Mom

miss u

miss your sweet little ways.You were an angel.You will always be in my heart.

- your mom

Happy Birthday Molly

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!Its your birthday and I miss you so much.Life will never be the same without you.You were such a sweet dog and companion.God bless you.I love and miss you so much and think about you often....

- your Mom

Sorry for your loss

From another Westie lover, I want to tell you I am very sorry for the loss of your little Molly. She was a beautiful little girl. She will have another friend now as our little Darby passed away on July 25th. My heart goes out to you and your family!

- Linda, Darby's Mom

In remembrance of Molly

I too am sorry for your loss of your beautiful Molly. Thank you truly, for your thoughts brought much needed comfort with coping that Anela has passed. I smile to know that she does have Molly & Christal to play while waiting for all of us. Bless You

- Anela's Family

1 month without you

It has been 1 month without you and it has been very difficult.I think of what I wish we could be doing together...I hope that you are with your sister Christal running and playing and eating like crazy.You will always be my baby girl forever....

- mollys mom

RIP Molly and Christal

I am so sorry for your loss of Molly and Christal, losing both of your dogs within a month is heartbreaking. We made that final decision for our pets and it still hurts but we have to know it was the kindness one possible for them. i have to believe that.

- Mitzis Nancy

our beloved animals

This is Cinnamon mama. I would like to get in contact with u if u don't mind. I believe i might of lost cinnamon that way to. I'm not for sure I'm sending my E-mail (thomascisewski@sbcglobal.net) I'm needing some closer,

- Cinnamon mama

our lovably pets thats in heaven

I'm so sorry to hear bout you losing both of u'r baby's! I wish there was a way we could talk. I lost my Cinnamon on the 22 of Feb. I'm thinking thats how my baby died. like Molly. My vet was cluess as why she went so quickly! Molly is so cute

- Cinnamon's mama Dianna

so sad for your loss

I know how difficult it has been since we lost our zachary but I can't even imagine how much more difficult it must be for you and your family to loss both on the same day a month apart. May they rest easy and some day you will all be together again.

- Zachary's family

I'm so sorry!

I know it's not easy, but hang onto the memories! It's been a little over six months and I still seem to not be able to get over my baby's passing! My thoughts are with you! Molly & Christal are running around playing together in heaven!

- Porkchop's Sister!

so very sorry

so sorry for your loss of both your babies, i know how it is i loss three babies in less than a year. ( sweet dreams sweet molly & christal rest easy babies) take care love ones

- gypsy's mommy