A Little Bit About Chewy

Breed: Rat Terrier

Gender: Male

Favorite Toy: Anything with a squeak.

Favorite Treat: carrots and string cheese

Best Trick: 'sitting pretty

Favorite Pastime: Laying on daddy's lap

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You're still missed Chew Chew

Hey Big Guy. I just wanted you to know that you haven't been forgotten. We still miss you. We're pouring all our love on Rico and Casey, the two dogs we adopted after losing you. I hope there is a heaven.. and I get to see you again someday.

- Love you, Mommy

April 6, 2011

Hi Little Guy, Nine months have come and gone since you left us. We stilll miss you alot and we've had even more sorrow when your sister's baby was stillborn last November. We adopted 2 dogs, a chihauhau and a rat terrior. You'd like them sweetie.

- I love you, Mommy

3 months later

Well it's been about 3months now little guy and I still miss you an awful lot. Crying as I look at your picture and this website. Not sure I will ever get over it, Your place in my heart will never be replaced NOT FAIR that this happened LUV ya chewy

- Daddy

Hi little guy

Hi Sweet boy, How's doggy heaven? Have you found Max and Kisha yet? Daddy and I are doing fine, but we miss the daylights out of you. I wonder how long it will be before we stop seeing you out of the corner of our eye or hear your bark?

- Mommy

Good night sweet baby

We've made it a week now. The tears still come but not so often. Basically, its a stone sitting on my chest and in my throat. I love looking at your pictures, even though they make me cry. I love the foot print the Vet hospital made for us.Night baby.

- Love Momma

Chewie is still living in the hearts of those he touched

My friends I know you’re hurting with sorrow deep and true; I wish that there was something I could do for you. Only time will heal your broken hearts though it may take awhile; Sweet memories will replace the loss you’ll think of Chewie and smile.

- Luv, Phyllis

Chewie is still living in the hearts of those he touched!

My friends I know you’re hurting with sorrow deep & true; I wish that there was something I could do for you. Only time will heal your broken heart though it may take awhile; Sweet memories will replace the loss you’ll think of Chewie and sm

- Luv, Phyllis

Bringing Chewy Home.

7/1/2010; When we took Chewy to the animal hospital, I promised him that we would bring him home. We did that today. His ashes sit on our mantel along with his collar and his chew toy. Do they have glue to fix a broken heart?

- Mama and Daddy

Your baby...

I am so sorry to hear about such a tragic loss. I hope you take repercussions against the other dogs owners... any money you recoup could go to a shelter. I am so sorry...what a cutie he was. My heart goes out to you/

- Brigids mommy

Our furbabies

I am so sorry for the loss of your Chewy,I hope he meets my bandit over the bridge,they can play and wait for us..

- bandits mom

The Great Gift of Love

I'm so sorry for you loss. I loss my baby a week ago in an accident. His death was preventable and unexpected. Although Chewy cross the rainbow bridge way too early you gave him the greatest gift of being love and cherish.

- Vega's Mom


sorry for your loss

- jaspers mom

So sorry

I am so sorry that happened to Chewy. That is so unfair. He's such a cutie. Please hold on to your precious memories.

- Love, Tanner's mommy

i'm so so sorry

how awful, breaks my heart. i'm so sorry for your loss. Chewy such a little cutie.. sweet dreams Chewy rest easy sweet little one...may all your wonderful memories of Chewy drown out the bad one. you are in my thoughts take care loving family god bless..

- gypsy's mommy