A Little Bit About Ziggy

Breed: Yorkshire Terrier

Gender: Male

Favorite Toy: anything that made noise

Favorite Treat: bacon

Best Trick: didnt do them

Favorite Game: tease Harley (our other dog)

Favorite Pastime: tease Harley

Special Skill: tease Harley

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Thank you all for such kind thoughts. I know Ziggy is still here in sperit. his toys are still here to remind us of him often. Thank again.

- Ziggy's Daddy

Sorry for your loss

Ziggy looks totally adorable and I am sorry you had such a short time with him. What a terrible thing to have happen - I know it must have been devastating to you and Harley too. I believe he is still around you in spirit though - Thinking of you!

- Friend in Pennsylvania

so vey sorry

how awful to lose a beautiful baby that way any way is bad but thats just awful , i'm so sorry for your loss, sweet dreams beautiful Ziggy rest easy baby..love ones may your happy memories with Ziggy bring you comfort always...take care.

- ~gypsy~ mommy