A Little Bit About Apollo

Breed: Siberian Husky

Gender: Male

Favorite Toy: Rubber ball, stuff toys & more

Favorite Treat: Becon strips and more

Best Trick: Fetching and smart commands.

Favorite Game: Chase and running in the park.

Favorite Pastime: Relaxing inside the house.

Special Skill: Howling as if he is speaking.

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Sorry About Appollo

I know it's difficult to say good-bye to a pet that you held so dear I hope you can find comfort and peace in the fond memories that you made together.

- Maximus, Morgan & Keller's Foster Mom

So sorry about sweet Apollo

I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my dog two weeks ago and know how much it hurts. Slowly the fond memories get a little stronger and the sadness a little less. We will always love them and miss them and I think they feel the same about us.

- Cosmo's mom

so very sorry

so very sorry for your loss,Apollo such a pretty boy, sweet dreams Apollo rest easy baby.love ones may all your happy memories help ease your pain and always bring you comfort..take care

- ~gypsy~ mommy

sorry for your loss

What a beautiful dog,He loved you so much .Rest easy Apollo,My Laddie up there with you.We where so lucky to have had them.The love they have for us is the greatess gift of all.

- Love Laddies mom