A Little Bit About Sadie

Breed: Mixed

Gender: Female

Favorite Toy: She didn't play much

Favorite Treat: Biscuts

Best Trick: She was loveable

Favorite Game: With me

Favorite Pastime: Everyday with her.

Special Skill: She was my girl

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thank you

Thank you every one who left a comment, and such. I dont know how to comment back. But thank you, and Im very sorry for all your losses too.

- Brittany.

deepest sympathy

i am so so sorry for your loss. I understand and send you my deepest regards. We lost our baby back in feb. so i know how you feel . sleep on sweet girl your owner loved you very much and my omi will take good care of you.

- naomi's mom

So very sorry for your loss - what a beautiful white dog

I can hear the heartache in your words. There is nothing that will take that loss away.The memories will last a lifetime, and you should know she is loving you just as strongly as you are her right now.Hold onto the joy,happiness and deep contentment

- Peace and Love - Bebe's mommy (please read our page)

so sorry

In time things will get better but you will always miss her.I cried for days losing my 2 girls within a month apart.I thought the world ended. I still cry and there will always be an empty feeling without them but it does get better ....so sorry. GodBless

- christal and molly's mom

So sorry for your loss

What a beautiful girl,you can see she was a sweetie,I know your pain I lost my Laddie 9/24/10,it's so hardt to lose them.They are at thje rainbow bridge till we get them.Rest easy Sadie and God bless The love in her eyes says it all.

- Laddies mom

such a pretty girl..

i am sorry very sorry for your loss.sweet dreams pretty little Sadie rest easy baby girl...i hope a angel is holding you close..love ones may all your wonderful memories help ease the pain and forever bring you comfort....

- ~gypsy~ mommy