A Little Bit About Prince

Breed: Yorkshire Terrier

Gender: Male

Favorite Toy: Humans

Favorite Treat: French Fries

Best Trick: Sit/Lay

Favorite Game: Playing chase

Favorite Pastime: Rides in the car

Special Skill: Prince knew how to spell!

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Forever Loved

Just remember he brought you true love. I know he is up there looking down on you and waiting. Our pets have the key to our hearts.

- Another Yorkshire Terrior owner


OMG he is beautiful!! Remeber God sent him to you and you loved him dearly. He is waiting until he sees you again I hope your heart heals soon.

- Chris S, Lancaster, CA

I think of you everyday

Doodie, it's been one month today since you left me. I miss you so much! Your brother Carmine is crazier than ever. He breaks out of his crate when we leave him for longer than 1 hour! Wish you were here to show him the ropes my boy...

- Love you always, Mama

Sweet Prince

Hey Dooders, I came across your Santa suit the other day while cleaning up and smiled to myself as I remembered how cute you looked in that outfit this past Christmas. We'll forever love you Doodiebug, and will truly miss your sweet little face.

- You'll always be in my heart. Love, Auntie Jeni

I love you doodie

Doodie, you are THE cutest, smartest, craziest, bravest, hungriest, and the most adorable dog I have ever met. My heart hearts knowing that you're not here with us. Thank you for all the memories that you leave me with. I love you like a son (maybe more)

- I'll never forget you boy -Love Uncle Zito, Punky, Silly and Pepe

so sorry so sad

Prince was a beautiful furbaby and now he an angel.Rest easy sweet Prince and God bless you and your love ones.Sweet dreams boy.I know its very hard to lose a wonderful pet.Have great memories of your boy Prince,again sorry for your loss.

- Laddies mom <3