A Little Bit About Alley

Breed: Border Collie

Gender: Female

Favorite Toy: tennis ball

Best Trick: catching a frisbee

Special Skill: getting the boydogs to chase u

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My baby

Its been 2 yrs. now since you've passed and I still miss you so very much. I still look for you in the early morning where the portal in the sky lets you wander by and look down to make sure we are ok.

- Love, Daddy

My beloved Alley

Just as I promised I released your ashes today at the dog park lake, rest in peace my baby girl. Love you always, Daddy

- Michael

such a pretty girl...

so sorry for your loss..sweet dreams Alley rest easy beautiful baby girl.....family may all your precious memories ease your heartache and forever bring you much comfort..

- ~gypsy~ mommy

What a sweetie Alley was.

Alley was as cute as a button,she knew she was loved and she loved her family.Rest easy beautiful furbaby and God bless you and your love ones.Alley's pawprints will always be in your heart Sweet dreams girl.

- Laddies mom <3