A Little Bit About Oreo

Breed: Mixed

Gender: Male

Favorite Treat: Pig ears

Best Trick: Open doors, no matter what

Favorite Pastime: Playing with his Beagle sister

Special Skill: He could get through any block

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such a handsome boy..

sweet dreams Oreo may you & your sissy Cayce be together waiting & playing....rest easy sweet babies...

- ~gypsy~ mommy

He's loving and waiting for you

Oreo was a beautiful boy. I know your d memories have helped you throughout the years love him and be so grateful for the time he shared with you. He is watching over you, and one day he will hear you calling and come running over that Rainbow Bridge to

- Bebe's mommy(dachshund) please read her page. Mitzpah

so very sorry for your loss...

sweet dreams Oreo rest easy beautiful baby...family may all your wonderful memories forever bring you much comfort...

- ~gypsy~ mommy

Time flies by but love never stops

Oreo was your heart and you where his.Rest easy sweet furbaby and God bless you.Beautiful .Oreo's pawprints and love will be with you forever.My Laddie wa my heart and will be forever.

- Laddie's mom

I Understand.....

My Baby Huey was my heart.....I don't know if I will ever be the same. Oreo is a beautiful furbaby and as long as you remember him and continue to say his name he will always exist....I'm so sorry. It doesn't get easier...at least it hasn't yet. Take care

- Baby Huey's Mom