A Little Bit About zeke

Breed: Unknown

Gender: Male

Favorite Toy: pull rope

Favorite Treat: biscuit

Best Trick: shaking hands

Favorite Game: chasing a ball

Favorite Pastime: being by my side

Special Skill: catching a ball

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Pain just won't stop for me either.

Zeke was a lucky boy who had an owner who loved him.I lost my Laddie sept.24,2010,and its seems like yesterday.I miss and love him as you do Zeke.Rest easy Zeke and God bless you.His pawprints and love will always be with you.Sweet dreams furbaby.

- Laddie's mom

I understand Your Pain

I understand your grief. My Bailey died on Aug. 30th, and the wound is so fresh, and I continue to cry for him. Zeke will always be a treasure in your heart, and you will never forget him. You will be in my prayers.

- Bailey Fritz Weems's Momma