A Little Bit About Miss Molly

Breed: Bichon Frise

Gender: Female

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Footprints on Our Hearts

Again so very sorry for your losses. Both Oscar and peanut now are little angels with wings looking down on you and keeping you safe. You will see both of them again at Rainbow Bridge. God bless!

- Little Dukie and Maxwell Smart's Mommy

such a little cutie..

sweet dreams Miss Molly may you and Oscar be running and playing always..family so sorry for your loss may all your precious memories forever bring you much much comfort.

- ~gypsy~ mommy

Molly is a doll

Molly you are a little doll. You are so pretty. You & Oscar are a treasure in the arms of Christ, and are together now in heaven. Molly will always be with you no matter where you are because she will forever be in your heart.

- BaileyFritz Weems's Moma

a match made in heaven

Missy Molly and Oscar are playing as I type.She was a beautiful girl.Rest easy Miss Molly and God bless you.Your heart has a lot of room for Pawprints and love.Sweet dreams girl.

- Laddie's mom


what a precious little furry angel. take comfort in knowing many people share your pain of losing their babies. the love and joy they bring to our lives is so hard to be without. please accept my deepest sympathy for your loss.

- denham dogs mom