A Little Bit About Olga

Breed: English Bulldog

Gender: Female

Favorite Toy: Anything she could suck on

Favorite Treat: French Fries

Best Trick: Saying Hi

Favorite Game: Playing with a light

Favorite Pastime: Being with mommy

Special Skill: everything

Messages From Friends

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aww such a sweet face..so sorry for your loss..

sweet dreams Olga rest easy baby..family may all your wonderful memories forever bring you great comfort.

- ~Gypsy & Ringo's mommy


I know exactly how you feel, my 15 year old dalmation, Penny, went to heaven exactly 3 weeks ago today. I miss her so much, as I know you miss Olga. The house is too quiet - we got Penny when my youngest child was in 5yrs. old, she is now

- Penny Nicholas' Mama

sorry for your loss

what a cutie. it is hard to say good-bye to our little loves. but all the joy, love , loyalty is worth the grief we know will come when a voice far greater then our own calls them home. they leave us too soon. please accept my deepest sympathy.

- denham dogs mom

Your Baby Girl

Olga was your baby girl, & she always will be. She will always be with you because she is forever n your heart. God spelled backwards is dog; this gives me comfort. Bailey was my baby boy & I understand the pain in your heart. You will be n my prayers

- Bailey Fritz Weems's Moma

Sorry for your loss

Olga was a beautiful girl,she loved and was loved.Rest easy sweet furbaby and God bless you.Her pawprints and love will be in your heart forever.Olga's memories are a gift from God.Sweet dreams girl.

- Laddie's mom