A Little Bit About Sparky

Breed: Fox Terrier

Gender: Male

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aww such cute happy face..

sweet dreams Sparky rest easy boy...love ones so sorry for your loss... may all those wonderful memories always bring you comfort.

- ~Gypsy~ & Ringo's mommy

so precious

how precious your photos. they show a happy, much loved dog. i know how much you must miss him. the hardest thing in life is saying good-bye.run with the angels sparky while you wait for your family.

- denham dogs mom

Sorry for your loss

Time flies by but love is forever.Sparky was a beautiful furbaby who loved and was loved.Rest easy Sparky and God bless you.His pawprints will be in your hearts forever.Sparky';s memories are priceless. Sweet dreams boy.

- Laddie's mom

Very Handsome

Sparky you are a very handsome little doggy. I know there are no words that will heal your heart but time will help ease the pain. Sparky will always be with you because he is forever in your heart. God spelled backwards is dog; this gives me comfort.

- Bailey Fritz Weems's Moma