A Little Bit About Toby

Breed: Mix

Gender: Male

Best Trick: tail wagging on command

Favorite Game: playing catch

Favorite Pastime: cuddling with family

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The Kindest Eyes & Face

I see the bond Toby had with his family n your pictures. He has the kindest eyes filled with lots of love for his family. Toby will always be with u because he is forever in your heart. God spelled backwards is dog; this gives me comfort, hope & assurance

- Bailey Fritz Weem's Moma

So sorry for your loss

Toby is a handsome boy. He will always be part of you, dogs leave paw prints on our hearts. It is truly amazing how much joy and love a dog can give. I know that Earl and Toby are in heaven....running and playing pain free.

- Amy

so very sorry for your loss..

sweet dreams Toby rest easy beautiful boy...love ones, may all your precious memories help ease your heartache and bring much much comfort always.

- ~Gypsy~ & Ringo's mommy

Sorry for your loss

Your Toby had a beautiful heart,with the sweetest face.Rest easy beautiful furbaby and God bless you.Toby's wonderful love and precious memories will be in you & your family hearts forever.He was a true family member.Sweet dreams dear Toby.

- Laddie's mom