Age 10, November 14, 2008 - February 19, 2024
Zues Was the sweetest boy imaginable he was a pitbull lab and he loves food
March 29, 2024
March 29, 2024
March 29, 2024
March 29, 2024
March 29, 2024
March 29, 2024
March 29, 2024
March 28, 2024
March 28, 2024
March 28, 2024
March 28, 2024
Nickname: Zues Pooh, fat dog,fat boy, roosers
Zues and I would always Sun bath during the summer outside on our deck, and he loved going on walks. He love food, no matter what it was human or dog food, and he loved treats. He would always come running, if you’d open something or if he’d hear a rapper, he always steal my food And he loves taking naps. He loves sleeping on nice blankets, even if they were just on the floor or if they were thin. He loved sleeping on my bed at the end of it, and he had his own little spot in every room of the house. He had his own little bed and every room of the house no matter if he’s comfy, sleeping or if he was just laying down slumping around or just outside playing he would always follow us wherever we went being in the kitchen with us when we were cooking he’d wait for me outside of the shower. He’d wake me up in the morning to let him out and then when he went potty, he would come right back in and come lay with me. He wasn’t much of a cuddler, but he was the sweetest boy ever he would sit there with me for hours if I needed him, and even when I didn’t, he would still deal with my weirdness. We would always have so much fun together. He was a rough player but he was so gentle woth. Me or kids He was the sweetest too. He had two younger brothers, one was a boxer named bones, and he was just the sweetest to him , they played a little rough because they were both big dogs but he put them in his placed when he needed to be his new little brother Jax is a small dingo and they would play around, but he was he make sure he wasn’t too rough. Jax was pretty rough because he’s smaller and he couldn’t hurt Zues, but he, Zues always made sure that he was OK and didn’t play too rough. Never used his teeth. He would just let Jax jump all over him. At our old house He would always love just walking around and venturing out because we lived in the country and he was able to go wherever he wanted. He loves to go on walks. He was the sweetest boy imaginable. I miss him so much , it was the hardest goodbye ever nothing Could ever compared to it but he’s out of pain and he’s up in doggy heaven Living his best life with so many doggy treats so much food the most comfortable places to sleep ever He’s getting to go on walks he gets to sunbathe all the time and even though it was the hardest thing in the world, he isn’t in pain anymore, He sadly passed away almost a month ago from cancer, but even when we were at the vet, he was still so happy to be with us. He was a little paranoid because he didn’t know where he was but he was still so happy to be with me, and my little sisters, and the rest of my family as long as we were there he was always the happiest boy , even though he was a little turd sometimes and he was very very stubborn, and he was still the good boy in the world. I miss our little walks together in the sun all over town, and I miss our little sunbathing sessions, and our little naps and how he would deal with me. He got me through my toughest times when I hit rock bottom he was there for me. He kept me alive. He kept me here and happy.