A Little Bit About Marley

Breed: Mixedjavascript:;

Gender: Female

Favorite Treat: Bread

Favorite Game: Chasing

Favorite Pastime: Sleeping

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Sorry for the loss of Marley, what a cutie. I know your pain, I just lost my Molly 1 day so on the 13th of Oct. May Marley know only peace & happiness up above. I'm so so sorry for you family... Sweet Dreams Marley

- luv, Stephanie Waterford NY

Baby Marley

How sad! She was just a baby and so precious. My heart goes out to you and your family, we lost both of our standard poodles, Gordon (4)& Maxi (17) within one month. Our lives are forever blessed by having them and forever changed by loosing them.

- Gordon & Maxi's Mom

In our hearts

Marley looks like such a sweet little girl! Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.

- Gunner's Mommy