A Little Bit About Blue

Breed: Miniature Australian Shepard

Gender: Male

Favorite Toy: Hot Dogs

Favorite Treat: Hot Dogs

Best Trick: Roll Over

Favorite Game: Agility

Favorite Pastime: Trail rides

Special Skill: Ranch Boss

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Cute Dog

So sorry to hear about Blue, its so sad to lose a pet I lost mine just yesterday and it is one hard tough time going through losing your best friend. Really sorry about your loss I know how you feel he really is an adorable dog. Ill pray for him.God Bless

- Nadia


So sorry to hear about Blue. He was a great dog. We have such fond memories of dog sitting him and Josie (give her an extra treat for us, she must be heart broken). He was the best walker; we hope he meets a special person up in heaven to walk with.

- The Stubers

Doggone It

Saying goodbye is always so hard. What a great dog, we are so sorry he had to go so soon. You were so lucky to have him in your lives. We enjoyed him too, and who can forget the darling Chrsitmas photo of you all, when he was a puppy. Hugs to you all

- Love, Lena Mom and Ed

Shayna's Angel

Blue's time here with you was all too brief. But I hope you know that he is a star in the sky and is watching over his family now. We will always remember you, Blue.

- love, blondie

one good dog

I sure will miss you blue. you were a good dog. Thanks for sounding the alarm when someone came into the yard. I always knew i could count on you to keep everyone safe. I know josie misses you. You will always hold a special place in our family.

- one of your herd, tony


My Tribute to your Blue http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmhQ3XEw5_g

- Jan Mendoza

Shayna's angel

He lived a great life! I know his time here with you was all too short, but he is a star in the sky and he is watching over his family now.

- love, blondie

Bye Bye Blue

I am so sorry to hear that Blue is gone. I know he will be missed. He was a wonderful, beautiful creature. Only time can heal the loss of such a dear friend.

- Lindsay