A Little Bit About Lacey Lou

Breed: Boxer

Gender: Female

Favorite Toy: a pepsi bottle

Favorite Treat: leftovers

Best Trick: her love

Favorite Game: fetch the bottle

Favorite Pastime: being with my son Wyatt

Special Skill: love

Messages From Friends

Leave a Message

Doggie sister

Lacy, Your human sister misses you!

- Love, BB


we still miss you old girl mommy daddy wyatt!!

- luv mommy

to the most preciuos puppy ever

thank you for leaving a message for buck,for sure they are playing happily inheaven with no pain ,they are the sweetest and cutest dog ever,they irreplaceable and will be in our heart forerever,and left us lot of memories inour hearts .

- love,buck mommy.

Best dog ever

I love you lacey lou !!!!! have fun with all your doggy friends I miss you! :o) heres a smile for you :o) :o)

- Wyatt

RIP Lacey

So sorry for your loss. lacey was a beautiful girl. Boxers are such wonderful dogs that become a huge part of our lives. I lost my boxer Emma 2 weeks ago. Have a huge whole in my heart. Hopefully Emma and Lacey are buddies in doggy heaven. Take care.

- Marie Pichee (Emma Lou Pichees' mom)

Miss ya girl

Miss you Lacey Lou I still get tears in my eyes when i think of you I miss letting you out in morning an afternoon my girl here's a cookie and some treats for ya girly girl. love ya mommy

- lacey's mommy


Sorry about the loss of your Lacey. Ihad to put down my Lacy... a yellow lab 2/15/10. I know the pain and emptyness. They say time will heal. Take care...our doggies are in heaven.

- Lacy's mommy

wheres our lacey

lacey when i come home everyday and you are not here with Buster, Dixie and Misty I wonder where you are It is very hard to lose you after we have been a family for 13 years I know when the grandkids come over they will miss you too! luv you!! :)

- Love you so much gail, terry ,wyatt

so very sorry

so very sorry for your loss of beautiful lacey lou.(sweet dreams lacey lou rest easy beautiful girl) take care lacey's love ones.

- gypsy's mommy

My Lacey

you gave us unyeilding ,unconditional love and devotion through your entire life. You demanded so little and always would forgive so quickly. What a unique blessing you were to us. Wyatt has told me he knows that there is a dog heaven and your are their!!

- We love you Lacey your family gail, terry, and your love Wyatt

soooooooo saddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo saddddddddddddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- wyatt