search for doggies : all doggies showing 71 - 80 of 3174

Sophie (Chihuahua Mix)

Age 15, November 12, 2005 - March 13, 2021

If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.

Nickname: Fi

max ( pomeranian)

Age 11, January 01, 2010 - February 18, 2021

Nickname: big boy

Faith (Chihuahua mix)

Age 13, ~2004 - December 22, 2017

It's been 3 years since you left us. Your memory lives on in our hearts. We miss you Faith.

Love me forever

Jake (Chihuahua)

Age 12, ~2008 - November 25, 2020

Bright eyes and a beautiful heart


Odi (Shih Tzu )

Age 15, October 13, 2005 - October 06, 2020

Gone but never forgotten. One of the greatest gifts from God. Love and miss terribly.

Daphne (Miniature Dachshund)

Age 14, February 09, 2005 - January 19, 2019 first Dachshund, and the one that made me fall in love with the breed

Nickname: Daphen Duck

Sadie (Mixed)

Age 14, ~2006 - September 27, 2020

The sweetest most loyal loving companion I have ever been gifted to have in my life.

Nickname: Love Bug

Gizmo Cleveland (Minature Yorky)

Age 8, ~1990 - December 05, 1998

Thank you Grandma.  WE found Chelsie

Stella Cleveland (minature yorkey)

Age 17, July 03, 2002 - April 06, 2019

I got Stellal from a refuge on face book. She had been badly abused. I had her for 3 years. She was

Rocky (Chihuahua)

Age 9, ~2011 - August 31, 2020

Nickname: Boo-boo