A Little Bit About Trixie

Breed: Mixed

Gender: Female

Favorite Toy: Horsey the stuffed toy

Favorite Treat: Beggin' Strips

Best Trick: Fetch

Favorite Game: Fetch

Favorite Pastime: Pull my slippers

Special Skill: stare with her adorable eyes

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your an angel now

trixie, thank you for showing crisca your true and unconditional love. thank you for the laughter, thank you for the kilig and kulet and thank you for patiently waiting for crisca, after a long tiring day. i love you ca... as always =)

- catchy

what a pretty puppy

Trixiel is such a sweet looking baby. I'm so sorry you didn't have much time with him. I think writing and crying, usually all at once...is the only way I have got through the past 3 weeks since I lost my baby. They truly are the greatest gifts from God

- Peace, Love and Empathy - Bebe's mommy(11/01/10)

So very sorry for your loss

Trixie was a beautiful puppy,so sad to lose her so young.I lost my Laddie in September,I know your pain and sorrow.We were so lucky to have them no matter how long.They are at the rainbow bridge waiting .Rest east Trixie God bless

- Laddies mom

such a pretty baby

so very sorry for your loss,gone much to soon.sweet dreams Trixie rest easy sweet boy..love ones may your happy memories with Trixie help ease your heartache and bting you comfort.take care....i tried to go to your link but would'nt let me. :(

- ~gypsy~ mommy