A Little Bit About Hemmie

Breed: Mixed

Gender: Male

Favorite Toy: Mongo B.

Favorite Treat: Any kind of meat

Best Trick: Paging us for Mongy

Favorite Game: Running, running, running!

Favorite Pastime: Wagging; his whole body swayed

Special Skill: Splash 'n' dash at the beach

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Such Wonderful Memories

I just lost my Mixed this week and ran across your posting. It brought a big smile to my face. Hemmie sounds like a dog I would love to meet and would make a great pal to my Rocky. They could crash into things together (Rocky's hindquarters went out too)

- Bwags

Sweet child

Hemmie looks so adorable.they leave a mark on us for life, they show us how to love without conditions..may he rest in peace.

- Bijlis' Mommy


Very sweet dog, forever in your heart.

- phil

Love, You Sweet friend

S uch a sweet loving dog. I sure you miss him so much. Sorry, for your loss.

- Kings Mom


Thank you for such kind words about Cobra. I was heartbroken to hear about what happened to Hemmie. He sounded like a strong boy.He had a lot of heart. I know he misses you very much and you him. Wish you the very best, Hemmies memories too.

- Cobra's dad George


I couldn't help but start crying... Hemmie was such an amazing dog. I'm glad I was there when you acquired him. I still miss him.

- Love, Tara

Sweet pal

I think Hemmie was a very handsome boy. :-)

- Love, MIke

Mr. PEEbody

(Best nickname ever!) I love the fact that you chose Hemmie because he was the loner of the group! So sorry for your loss. God Bless!

- Marshall