I would say a prayer thanking Jesus for letting me be with her each day we were together. She kept the mice out of the house, the squirrels out of the birdfeeder, the gophers out of the garden and she had many other jobs. She could count to 2, play peek-a-boo, and juggle her ball between her front paws. She was insistent that I stop, laugh and give her tummy rubs during the day. We hugged several times a day. She would hug me back by wrapping her head around my leg.
Cookie and I would go to parks, bike trails, day hikes in the hills. Cookie was happiest when we would spend the day at swimming at the beaches. She loved to go fishing. She would chase the little fish for hours. She would move the rocks around on the bottom as she learned that fish swim out from under them sometimes. Mostly she just like to watch them swim, but sometimes catch them.
Cookie would always let me know if someone came near the house at night or near our car when we ran errands. I could be a bit of a kid, because she watched my back. Didn't realize she was the grown up and now I have to take on responsibilities as an adult, by myself. She was first in all my decisions, about my jobs, homes and how I/we would spend each day. My life has changed drastically. I miss her so much.
I wish I had known that sadness was a sign of heart and health problems. I kept trying to make her happy. I didn't understand. She was still jumping over the flower beds to chase bunnies. She was still making new 4 legged and 2 legged friends. Many children ask about her and if they can play with her tennis balls that she loved so much. Many people and doggies will miss her.