search for doggies : Collie
showing 1 - 5 of 5
scooby (Collie)
Age 3, ~1985 - December 30, 1988
still miss you , your life was too short
Nickname: scooby doo
tara (Collie)
Age 12, ~1988 - June 15, 2000
Mindy (Collie)
Age 14, April 15, 1995 - October 10, 2009
Mindy, our pride and joy, you were too special for us or the Earth.
Sarah (collie)
Age 15, March 21, 1995 - March 30, 2010
Born a dog
Grew to be a lady
Died to be an angel
Nickname: Sair
Pyper Sowers (collie)
u left us great memories, ur love is still our guide, although we can't see you, ur in our hearts
Nickname: Baby girl, brat girl