Isabell (Labrador Retriever)
Age 11, ~1998 - July 11, 2009
Isabell was the BEST dog in the world. We miss her so much.
Nickname: Izzy, Isabella Sue, Baby Girl
Cosmo (Labrador Retriever)
Age 12, April 21, 1997 - September 08, 2009
A Gentle Brown Bear who loved everyone he met
Nickname: Cossie, Cossie Bear, Cos
Murphy Collins (Labrador Retriever)
Age 11, February 21, 1998 - September 16, 2009
Murphy was the best dog ever! He always demonstrated unconditional love.
Nickname: Murphy
Fonzi (Labrador Retriever)
Age 12, September 13, 2001 - February 21, 2014
A symbol of unconditional, true love. We love you to the ends of the earth and back "gentle giant."
Nickname: Da Fonz, Fonz man, Big Head, Baby Mush, Too Big
Fiona (Labrador Retriever)
Age 11, February 16, 1998 - September 30, 2009
Fiona was the definition of unconditional love. Our hearts will ache forever. We love you!
Nickname: Fi, Fifer, Fioni
Stallion (Labrador Retriever)
Age 18, May 22, 2008 - November 19, 2009
Stallion you left me way too soon. I miss you my baby and I will love you forever. R.I.P.
Nickname: swamdog
Chelsea (Labrador Retriever)
Age 13, October 31, 1996 - November 20, 2009
Chelsea, you were a great dog. We will never forget you. Thanks for sharing your life with us.
Nickname: Yellow dog
MAVERICK (Labrador Retriever)
Age 13, May 11, 2001 - August 12, 2014
Maverick the "Faverick "
Nickname: T-REX