search for doggies : all doggies showing 141 - 150 of 3174
Love at first sight

DECKER (Terrier mix)

Age 14, ~2004 - September 17, 2018

Chase the fairy....


Snuggle and Kisses every morning

Bentley Royce Stark (Bichon Frise)

Age 2, April 05, 2016 - September 05, 2018

The best Dog every. Kisses all the time, loved his mama, always in mischief. I miss him so much.

Nickname: Bently

Jake (German Shepherd)

Age 14, ~2004 - September 01, 2018

Jake Olsen passed away peacefully on September 1st, 2018. Jake loved watching the farm.

Nickname: Jakey, Bakers

Havoc (Mixed)

Age 1, April 27, 2017 - July 15, 2018

Our crazy little angel. Gone far, far too soon.

Nickname: Hav, Javi

Coco B (Labrador Retriever)

Age 17, ~2001 - July 13, 2018

Coco, an energetic pupper that loved to trek Arbutus Park and its creek, may you Rest in Peace.

Digging in the Sand at OBX

Otis "Odie" Galleo (Labrador Retriever)

Age 14, ~2004 - June 14, 2018

Always happy and everyone's best friend...forever in my heart, my handsome boy.

Nickname: Odie, Otis Spunkmeyer, Spunks, Handsome, Buds

Brooklyn (Bulldog)

Age 8, December 13, 2009 - June 22, 2018

Brooklyn was our super, special English Bulldog. She was the best dog we could ever have.

Nickname: Brookie

She loved her mom

Daisy (Jack Russell Terrier)

Age 15, June 26, 2002 - June 06, 2018

"Not Everyone can be a Princess .... somebody has to stand on the curb and wave as I walk by."

Nickname: Pretty Princess, Poo, Turkey, Scary Mary - Oh so m

Lobo (Staffordshire Bull Terrier)

Age 12, October 14, 2005 - June 03, 2018

Cuddly. A massive teddy bear who feared the occasional cat or fly. Loyal protector. Family member.

Nickname: Lub, Dido, Lobito

Pretty Zoie

Zoie (Beagle)

Age 14, ~2004 - June 02, 2018

Zoie, thank you for coming into our lives just when we needed you too.

Nickname: Baby Doll, Hon